Stereo 834612
Side One.
01 - Bad Seamstress Blues / Fallin' Apart At The Seams.
02 - Gypsy Road.
03 - Don't Know What You Got (Till It's Gone).
04 - The Last Mile.
05 - Second Wind.
Side Two.
01 - Long Cold Winter.
02 - If You Don't Liuke It. *
03 - Coming Home.
04 - Fire And Ice.
05 - Take Me Back.
All Songs written by Tom Keifer except * written by Tom Keifer and Eric Brittingham
Produced by Andy Johns, Tom Keifer and Eric Brittigham
Tom Keifer - vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, national steel and harmonica
Eric Brittingham - bass, twelve string bass and background vocals
Jeff La Bar - guitar
Fred Coury - drums
1988 PolyGram Records, Inc.
Manufactured under license from PolyGram Records, Inc. by RTB Records, Yugoslavia.
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